Skyline Center has been an integral member of our community for over 58 years and provides invaluable services to some of Iowa’s most vulnerable citizens. Because of Skyline Center, persons with disabilities in Clinton and Jackson counties can live, learn, and work in their community of choice.
Without these essential services, persons with disabilities would be at risk of being placed in one of the state institutions or having to move out of the community. Skyline Center estimates that approximately 78 of their persons served would be at risk for institutionalization if services were no longer provided.
Advocacy is an essential aspect of how we fulfill our mission. Like minded persons need to work together to advance initiatives that will provide resources to community providers and the clients they serve. The Iowa Association of Community Providers (IACP) is our professional association that relentlessly advocates for Iowa community providers.
IACP relentlessly advocates for community providers to build healthy communities so one day, all Iowans will live, learn and work in their community of choice. Learn more about IACP's #RelentlessAdvocacy for community providers.
If you would like to support Skyline Center and our mission of Building Community, Supporting Choices, please ask us how you can help.
Your voice matters! Our representatives want to hear from their constituents and the more they hear, the more important the issue becomes to them.
State legislators from Clinton County who represent our service area are: Rep. Norlin Mommsen, Rep. Tom Determann and Senator Chris Cournoyer.
Their contact information can be found using the links below or by clicking on their names above.

We need your help. Read more here...